Literature Relevant to Various Lineages

The selections below are intended as starting points for research on a lineage. Keep the following caveats in mind:

  • Literature included is primarily literature known to the Project Director that either analyzes the influence of agreements in the lineage (i.e., investigates "regime effectiveness") or provides useful background.
  • The literature referenced here is QUITE limited. I hope to include literature for more lineages over time and welcome suggestions. This is NOT intended as a comprehensive database of literature but simply as 5 to 10 places to start research.
  • Inclusion of articles in this database are not intended as endorsements of the views or arguments of the authors.
  • Know of literature that is not listed? Please suggest it.
Lineage Full Citation
Baltic Sea Marine Environment

Auer, Matthew, and Eve Nilenders. 2001. "Verifying environmental cleanup: lessons from the Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme." Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 19:881-901.

Baltic Sea Marine Environment

Greene, Owen. 1998. "Implementation review and the Baltic Sea regime." In The implementation and effectiveness of international environmental commitments: theory and practice, ed. D. G. Victor, K. Raustiala and E. B. Skolnikoff. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.177-220.

Baltic Sea Marine Environment

Haas, Peter M. 1992. "Banning chlorofluorocarbons." International Organization 46 (1):187-224.

Baltic Sea Marine Environment

Hjorth, Ronnie. 1998. "Implementation of the Baltic Sea pollution commitments in Poland: a review of the literature." In The implementation and effectiveness of international environmental commitments: theory and practice, ed. D. G. Victor, K. Raustiala and E. B. Skolnikoff. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.639-58.

Baltic Sea Marine Environment

List, Martin. 1990. "Cleaning up the Baltic: a case study in East-West environmental cooperation." In International regimes in east-west politics, ed. V. Rittberger. London: Pinter.

Baltic Sea Marine Environment

Roginko, Alexei. 1998. "Domestic implementation of Baltic Sea pollution commitments in Russia and the Baltic states." In The implementation and effectiveness of international environmental commitments: theory and practice, ed. D. G. Victor, K. Raustiala and E. B. Skolnikoff. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.575-638.

Baltic Sea Marine Environment

Secretariat, Ozone. 2012b. "Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, 2012: a success in the making." Nairobi: United Nations Environment Program.

Baltic Sea Marine Environment

Turner, R. Kerry, Stavros Georgiou, Ing-Marie Gren, Fredric Wulff, Scott Barrett, Tore Söderqvist, Ian J. Bateman, Carl Folke, Sindre Langaas, Tomasz Zylicz, Karl-Göran Mäler, and Agnieszka Markowska. 1999. "Managing nutrient fluxes and pollution in the Baltic: an interdisciplinary simulation study." Ecological Economics 30 (2):333-52.